
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Burn Fat and Boost Health by Eating More and Exercising Less

Judging by these results, attempting to eat less and exercise more is not effective. Researcher S.C. Wooley from the University of Cincinnati wrote: “The failure of [heavy] people to achieve a goal they seem to want—and to want almost above all else—must now be admitted for what it is: a failure not of those people but of the methods of treatment that are used.”2

Hundreds of the most brilliant academic health and fat loss researchers from around the world agree with Dr. Wooley. Albert Stunkard at the University of Pennsylvania said: “How may the medical profession regain its proper role in the treatment of obesity? We can begin by looking at the situation as it exists and not as we would like it to be… If we do not feel obliged to excuse our failures, we may be able to investigate them.”3

Why should you and I care?

Those same scientists have released thousands of pages of revolutionary fat-loss research over the past few decades. The only catch has been that the research was accessible only to academics. Fortunately, The Smarter Science of Slim simplifies the last forty years of fat-loss facts so you can use them for your own benefit.

Let’s take the example of The Calories In – Calories Out theory of weight loss.

This theory has been proven wrong in study after study, but you do not need to wade through all those facts. All you need is some plain common sense. A pound of body fat contains 3,500 calories. Cutting a measly 100 calories—less than one cup of reduced-fat milk—per day would cut 365,000 calories over ten years. If Calories In – Calories Out is correct, a 150-pound woman who drinks one less cup of reduced-fat milk per day will lose 104 pounds and weigh 46 pounds ten years later. That is absurd.

Or take the classic myth: a calorie is a calorie.

Researchers have discovered that calorie quality varies wildly. High-quality calories from non-starchy vegetables, lean protein, and natural fats trigger hormones that cause our body to burn fat. Low-quality calories from starches and sweets trigger hormones that cause our body to store fat. According to clinical studies, by eating more high-quality calories we burn more body fat.

Here is another old weight loss myth: calories are all that matter.

Scientists know that is false. Take the simple example of diabetics—people who cannot effectively get energy into their cells because they are missing the hormone insulin. Why are they injecting themselves with the hormone insulin if calories are all that matter? Hormones—not how much we eat or exercise—determine whether we are burning or storing body fat.

The good news:

Once you have empowered yourself with proven fat-loss facts, your body will burn fat automatically. Does that sound too good to be true? Have you ever met anyone who eats as much as they want, does not exercise, and still stays skinny? Put differently, have you ever met anyone who’s body burns fat for them automatically? We all have. So the question is not: “Is automatic lifelong fat loss possible?” Millions of naturally thin people have already demonstrated that it is.

The question is: “How can you and I burn fat automatically, like naturally thin people?

Researchers have revealed a simple and surprising answer: Eat more. Exercise less. Smarter.

and the “how to” details are covered in the single largest scientific analysis of long-term fat loss and health ever conducted, and the only health and fitness book endorsed by the world-wide scientific community (e.g. Harvard Medical School, John Hopkins, UCLA, etc.):. I hope it improves your life as much as it has improved mine and so many others’.


1.   A sampling of supporting research:

  • “To avoid overweight, consume only as much energy as is expended; if overweight, decrease energy intake and increase energy expenditure.” Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs (U.S.). Dietary goals for the United States. 2nd ed. Washington: Government Printing office; 1977.
  • Data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System reveal that nearly half of women and a third of men are dieting and about fifty million Americans pay for gym memberships.
  • Petersen CB, Thygesen LC, Helge JW, Gronbaek M, Tolstrup JS. Time trends in physical activity in leisure time in the Danish population from 1987 to 2005. Scand J Public Health. 2010 Mar;38(2):121-8. Epub 2010 Jan 11. PubMed PMID: 20064919.
  • Oliver, J. Eric. Fat Politics: The Real Story behind America’s Obesity Epidemic. New Ed ed. New York: Oxford University Press, USA, 2006. Print.
  • Nestle M, Jacobson MF. Halting the obesity epidemic: a public health policy approach. Public Health Rep. 2000 Jan-Feb;115(1):12-24. PubMed PMID: 10968581; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1308552.
  • Petersen CB, Thygesen LC, Helge JW, Gronbaek M, Tolstrup JS. Time trends in physical activity in leisure time in the Danish population from 1987 to 2005. Scand J Public Health. 2010 Mar;38(2):121-8. Epub 2010 Jan 11. PubMed PMID: 20064919.
  • Roberts, Seth. The Shangri-La Diet: The No Hunger Eat Anything Weight-Loss Plan. Chicago: Perigee Trade, 2007. Print.

2.   Wooley SC, Garner DM. Dietary treatments for obesity are ineffective. BMJ. 1994 Sep 10;309(6955):655-6. PubMed PMID: 8086992; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2541482.

3.  Stunkard, A., and M. McClaren-Hume. 1959. “The Results of Treatment for Obesity: A Review of the Literature and a Report of a Series.” Archives of Internal Medicine. Jan.;103(I):79-85.


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