
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

4 Predictors of Heart Trouble Come With Age

What do people who know you, say about you? Do you look at your age, or do you have few or indeed, any of the visible signs of aging? Are you young at heart but old in visage? You may not be able to judge a book by its cover but you, and your doctor should be able to predict the likelihood of heart trouble by reading the telltale signs on your head and face. New research, the results of which were published last week makes a clear separation between your physiological age and your chronological age, which is after all just a random number.

This latest research was carried out in Denmark under the control of the where they followed over 10,000 people for more than three decades. All participants were heart disease patients. They were recording the onset of the six outwardly visible indicators of physiological aging alongside the progress of their heart problems. Because when three or more of these appeared, they were harbingers of heart attack or heart disease.

The six signs of aging are:

/> 1.A bald patch at the crown of your head. No you can’t believe the T-shirt when it claims you are not bald it’s just a solar panel for a sex machine.

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