
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

18 Useful Free Twitter Tools

Twitter is admittedly something I haven’t spend much time or effort with since its inception. To be honest, I rarely pay attention to Tweets since I typically use a feed reader instead to keep track of blogs that I enjoy reading. However, Twitter and other forms of social media can be a useful way to connect to other people. I’ve recently found that I more likely to get a response from someone on Twitter by mentioning them with the @twitteruser than to contact them by email.

On the other хэнд, Twitter can be a real pain in the a@@. Like other useful forms of social media, it’s played somewhat like a game by many (i.e. who can get the most followers without actually following you back). Basically, it’s an on-line social media version of Jenga. You take a block from the bottom and you put it on top… As well, it’s filled with spammers which can also ruin the experience. Here are some useful Twitter tools that I’ve recently played around with. If you’ve every tried searching for useful twitter tools, you’ve probably came across numerous lists full of out-of-date or no longer active twitter tools. These twitter tools are all currently active for July 2010 and still working.

style="font-weight: bold;">Find out how influential your followers are on Twitter:

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1. Twitinfluence – This tool provides a number of metrics to evaluate your Tweeps. I personally don’t see too much utility in using this tool. Do I really care if someone has a high Twitter velocity, social capital, or reach, but some might.

2. – It provides you with a rank of potential twitter users. The score itself is on a 100 point scale, but it’s not particularly useful. The Hive Health Media twitter account received a score of 91/100 with under 400 followers . It’s also pretty slow and prone to “502 Bad Gateway” errors.

*Notes: Tweetcloud no longer exists.

style="font-weight: bold;">Find out who’s following you or not:

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1. – It’s a useful tool to find out who’s not following you on Twitter. It’s relatively slow and takes quite awhile to load though. It’s relatively quick to unfollow Tweeps who don’t follow you back once it’s finished loading–if it does. It’s not an entirely reliable twitter tools and it often times out before finishing.

2. - It’s useful to find out who your fans are or who’s not following you on Twitter. However, it’s tedious to unfollow people who don’t follow you since you have to do this manually.

3. - Fast tool to sort your Twitter account into followers, fans, and idols or people who don’t follow you back. It doesn’t do much else though.

style="font-weight: bold;">Get Rid of Inactive Tweeps:

These twitter tools are useful if you’re following someone who hasn’t tweeted anything in a long time.

1. – It’s a pretty fast and reliable tool to remove stale Tweeps who you follow or you can block people that follow you as well.

2. Twitoria – This tool is supposed to do the same thing as Nest Uncluttered. However, it doesn’t seem to work as it flags most of your followers as having never Tweeted.

3. - Seems to be the most accurate of the three tools listed here. Works very fast too. Great Twitter tool for those who don’t want to follow Stale Tweeps.

style="font-weight: bold;">Twitter unfollow tools:

It’s not as easy as it used to be to unfollow other Twitter users…

1. - Occasionally buggy, this tool allows you to unfollow 50 users per day who’re not following you back.

2. – This tool allows you to unfollow 20 Tweeps who’re not following you back per click.

Twitter tools to find your Tweeps:

To get the most out of Twitter, you probably want to find more people to follow who have similar interests. With any luck, they’ll follow you back in return.  If not, that’s okay too if you like the information that they provide.

1. - Twitter Troll is a real-time Twitter search engine that allows you to find people based on keyword searches. It’s relatively slow, but it does work.

2. - Get recommendations of people to follow who have similar interests by inputting your Twitter account name.

3. - Ever wanted to follow a bunch of Tweeps who someone else follows without having to manually follow them all? Twitterator will allow you to automatically follow Twitter users from a list or from someone else’s followers.

4. : We Follow is a Twitter directory that helps you find other relevant Twitter users to follow. You can add yourself to the directory to give other Twitter users the option of following you back based on three set keyword tags.

5. - Twubble generates of list of relevant people to follow based on your followers’ followers.

style="font-weight: bold;">Feed your blog to Twitter:

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1. - This tool will automatically post your RSS feed to your Twitter account. You can also use it to post your RSS Feed to multiple Twitter accounts or to manage multiple RSS Feeds. It works very well.

2. – Social Oomph allows you to schedule Tweets, tweet from your RSS, or autofollow Twitter users. In the past iteration, it used to have an unfollow option.

style="font-weight: bold;">Manage it all:

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– HootsSuite provides a number of functions to manage your Twitter profile or multiple Twitter profiles including Tweeting your last blog post, or scheduling Tweets. You can also use HootSuite to manage your Facebook, Facebook Fan Page, LinkedIn,, MySpace, blog, or FourSquare.

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