
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

9 Tips For Maintaining Eye Health


dir="ltr">We only have one pair – look after them!

Whilst the importance of regular eye examinations should never be underestimated, it is also essential to realise that good eye health relies on much more than simply reading the letters from the optician’s chart. Eyes are extremely delicate and, probably, one of our most valuable organs. However, we often neglect them when maintaining our overall health. Avoiding the health problems associated with vision – whether the blurry eyes associated with too much computer time or the degeneration of muscles – there are a number of ways to protect and benefit our eyes.

Maintain Hydration

Keeping well hydrated is essential for overall good health – but many do not realise the importance of avoiding dry, gritty eyes. Drinking plenty of fluids will do much to maintain lubrication of the eyes – using a saline solution may also be beneficial.

Eat your Greens!

Everyone knows that carrots are good for your eyes – this is one old wives tale with more than a hint of truth to it. However, other vegetables, including curly kale, spinach, and Brussels sprouts are known to contain lutein and zeaxanthin – powerful antioxidants that may help reduce the risk of macular degeneration and other eye problems developing.

Wearing Sunglasses – not Just Cool Looking

Wearing sunglasses not only prevents the sun damaging our eyes but also reduces the likelihood of crow’s feet developing due to too much squinting. Over exposure to UV light can also increase the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration developing.

Take a Break

Resting our eyes means more than closing them for forty winks. Looking at a screen for long periods can cause major eye strain – many experts recommend using the 20/20/20 rule during working hours –

  • Every twenty minutes
  • Фокус on something twenty feet away
  • For twenty seconds

Getting into this habit should mean your eyes feel much more relaxed at the end of your working day.

Fresh Fruit Is Alays Good

Fruits that are nutrient rich are recommended for all kinds of healthy reasons – maintaining good eye health is just one more of those reasons.  Orange coloured fruits, like carrots, are excellent sources of beta-carotene – choose apricots, or persimmon to boost your intake of this vitamin. Blueberries are known to reduce eye fatigue and have more lutein content than almost any other fruit – bring on the guacamole!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

are found in oily fishes such as salmon, herring, sardines, fresh tuna etc and also in flax seeds or oils and walnuts. Adding these ingredients to your diet will help eyes remain hydrated and promote eye health.

Cucumber eyes

Resting our eyes for around fifteen minutes will give them a real boost – covering them with thinly sliced cucumber will also ensure our eyes feel refreshed and –reinvigorated, ready to face the next visual challenge.

Never Miss Your Routine Eye Exams

However good your overall diet is it is essential to have your eyes regularly checked with a professional, accredited optometrist – this will ensure that any hidden problems are quickly found and dealt with.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

, important nutrients for eye health, are found in.  Studies suggest that high intakes of these nutrients are associated with a reduced risk of both age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.  Supplements containing these nutrients are also available.

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