Whatever you do, wherever you live, water is probably going to be the cheapest component of your health regimen:
- it prevents organ dysfunction and damage,
- it promotes organ health,
- it can help to prevent diabetes,
- it can help to increase clarity and functioning,
- it enhances and helps to regulate digestion,
- and it can extend your life, etc.
In your quest for improved health, you’ve no doubt learned that your body needs ample water intake just to survive. Your body is literally half water, and needs a steady supply of water to , lubricate your joints, moisten your throat, nose and ear tissues and transport oxygen throughout your cells. However, you might not know that drinking mineral water – water naturally or artificially infused with minerals such as sodium or magnesium – can infuse your body with vital nutrients that can greatly enhance your physical health and significantly elevate your emotional well-being.
I recently had occasion to read an amusing—but also very informative article published in Harper’s Magazine way, way, way back in 1888—“Home Uses of Mineral Waters,” by Titus Munson, MD.
Here is an excerpt to give you the flavor of the article as well as sharing some of its insights:
For the commencing dyspeptic, then, the sufferer who is subject to indigestions more or less severe and frequent. but not as yet chronic, the predestinate victim of catarrh of the stomach, three rules must first of all be laid down. One of them is easy to follow, but two are hard, and they are these: Eat less; exercise more; and lastly the easy rule-take a carbonated alkaline water in moderation, chosen according to the symptoms that are presented.
When atonic dyspepsia exists, with anremia, the saline-chalybeate waters should be used, as those of Franzensbad or Homburg. That form of it which is known as nervous dyspepsia is often relieved by the Buffalo Lithia waters-an excellent alkaline-calcic spring.
Acid dyspepsia is treated by the alkaline waters, Carlsbad, Capon Springs, Highland Springs, Royat, Vichy, and othors. The Alleghany Springs of Virginia (calcic waters) have proved very efficacious in many cases of dyspepsia, and so have the Blue Ridge Springs, which are almost identical in general composition.
Flatulent dyspepsia calls for the use of saline waters, such as the excel1ent Hathorn water, Kissingen, La Bourboule, Saratoga, and Michigan Congress. The latter is especial1y useful when considerable plethora accompanies the organic trouble.
Doctor Munson’s advice may sound archaic but it turns out that.
Zero-Calorie Variety
/> Unlike ordinary water that generally tastes the same no matter where it is sourced, mineral water comes from over 100 global mineral spring sources. Depending on its place of origin, naturally zero-calorie mineral water can contain over 20 minerals, including calcium, iodine, iron, potassium, zinc, aluminum, cobalt and copper. Each specific mineral adds its own taste to the water. Therefore, different types of mineral waters yield vastly different flavor combinations. As a result, you are more likely to reach your recommended 8 glasses of water per day when you have a host of mineral water varieties to choose from than you are when you just have plain water to drink.
Healthy Bones
/> Calcium-rich mineral water can help you meet your recommended 1,000 to 1,200 mg per day to maintain healthy bone density. One serving of mineral water can contain up to 348 mg of calcium. Therefore, you only need to drink three to four mineral water servings per day to reach your RDA of this crucial nutrient.
Heart Health
/> The mineral magnesium is necessary for your heart to remain healthy; it helps your body maintain a normal heart rhythm. Adult males over 18 years old need roughly 410 mg of magnesium per day, while adult women need at least 310 mg per day. Since mineral water can contain up to up to 130 mg of magnesium, you only need from three to four servings to reach your RDA and better protect your heart.
Correct Muscle and Nerve Contraction
/> Your body needs potassium to conduct proper nerve transmission and muscle contraction. Your body also uses potassium to store the carbohydrates you eat for fuel. You need to ingest about 4.5 g of potassium every day for your body to perform these functions. Luckily, one serving of mineral water can contain up to 48 mg, so you only need three to four servings per day to maintain optimum bodily potassium levels.
Proper Fluid Balance
/> Although you should not consume too much sodium, this mineral does maintain fluid balance within your body and help relax and contract your muscles. The RDA for sodium is about 2,300 mg a day. Although you will probably add most of your daily RDA of sodium to your food, you can also derive up to 110 mg of the sodium you need in just one serving of mineral water.
So there you go…. everything you ever wanted to know about mineral water but were too afraid to ask.
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