
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Intermittent Fasting Study - It’s All About When You Eat


The team ran by Panda used mice in the study. Some of the mice were fed on high fat and high calorie food. These mice were divided into two groups. Both groups were fed the same amount of food but one group was left to feed whenever they wanted day or night whilst the second group was only allowed to feed for an eight-hour period during the night which was also their active period.

Many people would find fasting for 16 hours every night a little difficult as a snack whilst watching television or a late night cup of cocoa is often the norm. The study showed that of the two groups of mice that were fed on the high calorie, high fat food, the ones who had food available to them all the time became obese. However, those mice who only had food available to them for an eight-hour period even though they were fed high calorie, high fat food, were nearly as as those mice who had been fed on a normal diet.

The obese mice also showed the usual problems of raised blood sugar, liver disease, high cholesterol etc., that often accompany obesity. However, those mice fed on high calorie, high fat food who only had limited availability to their food had virtually no symptoms of liver disease and their blood sugar and cholesterol levels were almost the same as those mice fed on a normal diet.

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