
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Mix Up Your Workouts For Better Results

When it comes to your health &, it is very important to change up your work out every few weeks.

Believe it or not, your body is inherently lazy.

It wants to get the most amount of benefit for the least amount of effort.

So, in that effort to get the most bang for the buck, it learns. It learns to get technically efficient at any task you put before it.

That includes your. Throughout your entire exercising lifespan, your body will continually adjust and adapt to the repetitive & tedious workout routines that you employ.  It will get really efficient at doing those workouts and, in no time at all, you and your body will plateau and your fitness improvements will come to a grinding halt.

This concept carries over to anything in real life.  Imagine eating a chicken salad every single day: while it might not seem so bad for the first week or so, you’ll eventually get so sick of it that you won’t be able to stand the sight of another chicken salad.  That’s why we as human beings like to eat different kinds of foods – we don’t want to be bored.  The same thing goes for your body – don’t fall into the trap of boring yourself.  Because if you do, you’ll not only grow tired of the same repetitive routine – your body will see minimal gains.  And that totally defeats the purpose of exercise we want to look good, right?!

As an example, I have provided a two week workout routine right here.  The great thing is that there are so many different workouts that you can mix and match to form different types of routines – the possibilities are really endless.

Week 1:/> style="text-decoration: underline;">Monday:/> Squats(or lunges for women): 5 sets of 5/> Deadlifts(or lateral bar pulldowns for women): 5 sets of 5/> Bent Over Rows:  3 sets of 10/> Seated Dumb-bell Incline Press: 5 sets of 5/> style="text-decoration: underline;">Tuesday:/> Elliptical HIIT(): 35 min(this can be adjusted depending on your fitness level)/> style="text-decoration: underline;">Wednesday:/> Squats(or lunges for women): 5 sets of 5/> Deadlifts(or lateral bar pulldowns for women): 5 sets of 5/> Bent Over Rows:  3 sets of 10/> Seated Dumb-bell Incline Press: 5 sets of 5/> style="text-decoration: underline;">Thursday:/> Elliptical HIIT(high intensity interval training): 35 min(this can be adjusted depending on your fitness level)

Week 2:/> style="text-decoration: underline;">Monday:/> Pullups(pullup machine can be used for assistance!): 3 sets of 10/> Seated hammer curls: 4 sets of 10/> Seated preacher curls: 4 sets of 10/> Elliptical(high intensity interval training): 35 minutes/> style="text-decoration: underline;">Tuesday:/> Barbell Benchpress: 4 sets of 10/> Machine Cables: 4 sets of 10/> Decline Benchpress Machine: 4 sets of 10/> Elliptical HIIT(high intensity interval training): 35 minutes/> style="text-decoration: underline;">Wednesday:/> Squats: 5 sets of 5/> Lunges: 5 sets of 5/> Reverse Lunges: 5 sets of 5

This is just ONE example of MANY routines you can switch from.  See how easy it is to mix and match?  Not only will you keep from getting bored, but your body will reap the benefits!  Happy working out!

Eric Siu is the owner of the skincare blog How  To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast.  He is 24 years old and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.  His interests are health, fitness, football, basketball, and poker.

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