There are a number of different concepts that people subscribe to in the world of fitness. Some come and go without leaving much of an imprint but there are those which stand the test of time to provide genuine value. Today we’re going to look at two of them beginning with the S.M.A.R.T principle and then move on to take a look at the key components of fitness. The aim is to help you create a more manageable, varied and complete workout.
The S.M.A.R.T Principle
By using the S.M.A.R.T principle you can effectively organising your goals into a clear plan of action within a worktable timeframe. Here’s a breakdown of the concept:
- Specific – it is absolutely essential that you set out exactly what it is that you want to achieve with clear, definable goals.
- Measurable – ensure that you benchmark your progress. This will help with your motivation and allow you to see the progress you’ve мейд so far.
- Attainable – make your goals challenging enough to provide a stern test but don’t bite off more than you can chew.
- Realistic – realism is a key part of any one’s personal goals regardless of their level of fitness. Keep what you’re trying to achieve in perspective.
- Timed – set yourself a deadline and stick to it. Without a clear timescale you’re not working towards anything in particular which could cause you to lose фокус.
There is nothing complex about this approach to training whatsoever, its beauty is its simplicity and there’s no denying how important it can be in helping you achieve your personal goals. All athletes and professional sports people, even those who compete at the very highest levels use elements of the S.M.A.R.T principle to organise their workouts and plan their training programme.
The Key Components of Fitness
Once you’ve set out the fitness goals you wish to achieve and the means by which you’re going to do this you need to ensure that your workout or training routine includes the key components of fitness. The key components of fitness are outlined below:
- Cardiovascular Endurance – the body’s ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients and to remove waste products to and from the body cells over periods of time.
- Muscular Strength – the degree to which a muscle can exert force by contracting again resistance.
- Muscular Endurance - the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to continually generate a force over a sustained period of time.
- Flexibility - the ability to move joints and muscles through their full range of movements.
- Body Composition - the way in which your body is мейд up in terms of lean and fat mass.
The key to a truly success training routine is to include a range of exercises that cover all of the key components of fitness. By introducing a wide range of exercises into your workout you’ll guarantee that you train all the major muscle groups as well as improving your cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition.
There is a danger that by performing the same exercises time and time again your body will start to adapt to the same repetitive movements which can lead to your fitness levels beginning to plateau or the risk of injury from excessive training. A further consideration is that your training will become more varied which will help to increase your motivation as you’ll avoid the repetition that can come to haunt many workouts.
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