
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Marijuana and Cognitive Impairment

Watch this FL man that gets his marijuana from the Federal government destroy all the lies about marijuana consumers being lazy and unproductive. Watch him destroy all the lies about long term heavy marijuana use being harmful. Learn the truth about marijuana:

One man does not prove anything any more than a few kids do but consider this: Marijuana has been used for thousands of years, it is proven safe and effective in both treating and PREVENTING a wide range of ailments, both severe and mild, without even one documented death from the ingredients in marijuana. It has been used as a recreational drug for thousands of years too and it’s far safer than tobacco, alcohol, aspirin, non-aspirin, many Rx drugs, many over the counter drugs and even caffeine, all of which can be deadly and are well documented to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans every year.

The more voters that learn the truth the better! After they learn the truth about marijuana and the drug war 80% support rationally regulating marijuana instead of prohibiting it. Virtually all the drug war propaganda is nothing but pure lies. Marijuana does not cause aggressive behavior. Marijuana does not cause dangerous driving, Гугл: MARIJUANA DRIVING STUDY (remember to consider the source and the wording and read several study results). Marijuana does not cause cancer, brain damage or any serious health problems. Marijuana prohibition does not keep kids away from marijuana, illegal dealers don’t ask for ID.

Remember the so called “study” that said marijuana kills brain cells? It turns out that monkeys were strapped down and force fed exorbitant amounts on marijuana over long periods of time through gas masks. The brain damage they experienced was NOT the effect of marijuana, it was the effect of a lack of oxygen, yet still today you hear people parroting the drug war propaganda lies claiming smoking marijuana kills brain cells and causes brain damage.

Just look at all the successful people you read about getting arrested for marijuana, common sense should tell the average person, if marijuana did any real harm in any way, it would have shown up long ago just like the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco have. The government has been trying to prove marijuana is harmful for decades. They started out blatantly lying and after the truth came out they switched to deceptive so called, “studies”. Just look at the wording in this article: “early users of marijuana MAY face cognitive difficulties”, “Gruber compared 35 chronic marijuana users and compared them to 28 HEALTHY volunteers (should we believe all marijuana users are unhealthy, or did they select unhealthy marijuana users?)”, Francis Jensen, MD, SPECULATES that marijuana exposure ‘is SOMEHOW modifying the way that part of the brain [the prefrontal cortex, involved in executive function tasks] is developing.” “The prefrontal cortex is one of the last areas of the brain to fully develop which MAY make teens particularly susceptible. This is not the wording of scientific fact, it is the wording used in misleading, fear mongering propaganda.

If you want a good look at how far the government will go to promote its illegal anti-marijuana drug war message, read this:/> Several studies have concluded that ingredients in marijuana counter the carcinogens that are produced from burning marijuana. One study I read said that there has never been even one documented case of marijuana causing cancer and that tobacco smokers that also used marijuana had less instances on cancer than those that smoked tobacco only.

After thousands of years of use and over 15000 documented marijuana studies, don’t you think the facts are well known by now? Many government studies have cited the relative safety of marijuana but rather than base rational marijuana policy in science and facts, our government ignores science and facts and promotes lies and fear mongering. On March 22, 1972 the Richard Nixon-appointed, 13-member National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse recommended the decriminalization of marijuana, concluding, “[Marijuana's] relative potential for harm to the vast majority of individual users and its actual impact on society does not justify a social policy designed to seek out and firmly punish those who use it.” Richard Nixon chose to ignore the advice of this well qualified commission and start the modern escalation of criminalizing marijuana consumers. The lies he promoted have done much harm but they served his selfish motives and got him re-elected based largely on him starting the “war on drugs”, which is actually a violent unconstitutional war against nonviolent citizens, which are no threat to their selves or society.

In 1988, after reviewing all scientific evidence brought forth in a lawsuit against the government’s prohibition of medical marijuana, the DEA’s own administrative law judge (Judge Francis Young) wrote:/> “MARIJUANA, IN ITS NATURAL FORM, IS ONE OF THE SAFEST THERAPEUTICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES KNOWN. IN STRICT MEDICAL TERMS, MARIJUANA IS SAFER THAN MANY FOODS WE COMMONLY CONSUME.”

I believe the study cited in this article is the same one I read a few days ago and have seen articles about plastered all over the internet, if so, it was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which is well known for twisting the facts to promote marijuana prohibition. You simply can’t put trust in a so called “ study” that is funded by a government agency that depends on marijuana prohibition for much of its funding. It’s also worth noting that New Zealand research was cited as “evidence”. Read the similarities between US and New Zealand drug policies and their detrimental effects (especially on the young) here:

If you really want to know what’s behind all the anti-marijuana propaganda just look at the history of marijuana prohibition, then it will all make sense. The laws prohibiting marijuana are NOT a result of any harm from marijuana. They are the result of racism, lies and greed. Read the well documented proof of that and a lot more marijuana TRUTH in these two articles: “WHY IS MARIJUANA ILLEGAL, Pete Guither” and “MARIJUANA AND HEMP THE UNTOLD STORY, Thomas J. Bouril”, click the links to those articles on this webpage:/> Internet Explorer web browser:/> All Other Browsers:

WELL WORTH READING! Free online book: The Emperor Wears No Clothes/>

Cannabis Reduces Infant Mortality/>/> This is a great example of the information the drug war prohibitionists suppress every way they can. If babies are getting natural cannabis like substances in mother’s breast milk, do you still believe marijuana is harmful at any age?

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